
Welcome to the Snoqualmie Valley Hi-Cap parent group!

I am excited to welcome you to the Snoqualmie Valley Hi-Cap Parent group. As parents, we all want the best for our children, and we want to support them in every way possible. A parent group can provide a supportive community for both parents and children. Over the past couple of years, we have accomplished …

Welcome to the Snoqualmie Valley Hi-Cap parent group! Read More »

Gifted Education Challenges in Washington and in Snoqualmie Valley

What is going on with gifted education in Washington State? Gifted education is a hot topic in public education, especially when it comes to who gets in, who gets left out, and who gets what. In Washington State, gifted students have different experiences depending on where they live, what kind of program they go to, …

Gifted Education Challenges in Washington and in Snoqualmie Valley Read More »

Funding Challenges for Gifted Students in Middle School

Gifted students are those who demonstrate exceptional abilities or potential in one or more areas of learning, such as math, science, language arts, or creativity. They often need specialized instruction and enrichment opportunities to meet their academic and social-emotional needs. However, many gifted students face funding challenges that limit their access to appropriate and high-quality …

Funding Challenges for Gifted Students in Middle School Read More »